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    Secure your domain name in South Africa and beyond.

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    How to check domain registration?

    Using the domain search tool, enter the name for a website or email domain that you would like to register. This is usually your company name or idea keyword.

    What is private registration for domain?

    Domain Privacy is a feature offered by Domain Registrars that will hide the Domain Registrant's personal details. Registrars are now compelled to redact these details by default for Registrants.

    Who owns the domain registration?

    Registrants never own the domain name. An application is made to the Registry to register and make use of the domain as long as the Registrant pays the domain fees.

    How to register your domain

    • Registering domains is very easy. We provide a fast and secure registration system to allow you to register a website name in only a few minutes.

    • You need to think of a domain name.

    • Choose a name something that no one else has thought of yet and is brief, memorable, and original. Your brand identity is riding on this name.

    • Look up online registrars on the web.

    • Check the domain's availability by entering the name into a search engine. If the domain name you want is already in use, choose a new one.

    • Get started with the domain registrar by creating an account with them.

    • Make a payment using the registrars payment options to complete registration.

    • After the registration fee has been paid, the registrar will verify that the domain name has been registered.

    • The final action is to tell your domain where to find your website. To accomplish this, a new DNS record